My travels in the US continue... On many occasions through my trip in this crazy pickle loving country, I have had people ask 'HOW' 'WHY' 'WHAT THE..' is vegemite.
I dont really know how to explain the love we Aussie's (pronounced OZZIE's, for those who have been pronouncing it wrong, yes you know who you are!) have for VEGEMITE. A discussion arose the other day while in Atlanta with all of my awesome, (slightly delusional) new buddies at 'BEBBINAR'. 'How can you eat that stuff?', and I said 'well I have grown up on it, i love it' and it got me thinking there has to be a hideous food that is consumed without question daily by millions of people in this country.... I decided on ' THE PICKLE'

A quick couple of facts about both..
Amazing wisdom sourced from...
Yeast extract is not only good for you, it's tasty as well. That's why, in 1922, a young Australian by the name of Fred Walker, decided to try to make a special "yeast extract" that would be as delicious as it was nourishing.
It's an obsession that began many years ago, - an obsession with a black yeast spread that runs deep through the veins of the Australian psyche.
During 1997 the mainstay of breakfast tables from suburban kitchens to five-star hotel buffets celebrated its 75th birthday.
22.7 million jars of Vegemite are manufactured in Australia every year - that's 235 jars per minute.
30 jars are sold in Australia for every one exported. Vegemite is a permanent fixture in nine out of ten pantries.
How to eat a Vegemite Sandwich
First, let's get one thing straight. Because Vegemite can sometimes be hard to describe, it is often said that "Vegemite to Australians is like Peanut Butter to Americans".
So does that mean you'd be able to take a big 'ol spoon and dive right in? Do not, we repeat, Do not eat Vegemite by the spoon
First Step in making your Vegemite sandwich Grab your favourite type of bread, some butter or margarine and of course, the all mighty Vegemite
Butter Up!
Here's where some have made the mistake. For the optimum Vegemite sandwich you only need a dab. Dip your knife in the Vegemite, and scrape up just a bit- start small if you're a first timer. It will mix right in with the butter and spread easily.
How we like it..
1. Thick crusty white bread with Vegemite, tomato, cottage cheese and shallots. (I dont know where this one came from???)
2. Hot toast, butter melted and a thick slather of Vegemite. (If you are hard core)
3. A soup spoon of Vegemite in a cup of boiling water with hot buttery toast. (This is only of you are over 60)
4. A lot of butter and a little bit of Vegemite and a lot of lettuce.
5. Vegemite and cheese sandwich
6. Vegemite and honey on toast. (Lee's personal favourite)
7. Peanut butter and vegemite on hot toast.
(The "Happy Little Vegemites" song was first performed on radio in 1950)
"We're happy little Vegemites
As might as might can be.
We all enjoy our Vegemite
For breakfast, lunch and tea.
Our mother says we're growing stronger every single week
Because we love our Vegemite.
We all adore our Vegemite.
THE PICKLE - Some horrible stories
Exclusive Candy Review: Pickle flavoured Harry Potter Jellybeans.
"...One of the new flavors is sausage and the other is pickle. My five-year-old daughter LOVES pickles so she was excited to try it. She took a few chews and spit it out and said “Daddy, I don’t like it”..... *
Poor little darling..
Pickle Sickle: Frozen Pickle Juice Popsickle
*Yes, a frozen pickle juice popsickle! Do I need to say more.
Clearly someone who needs help.
*Some of this information may be not as objectively reported on as first mentioned..!!! Stories of Pickles, may have been altered from the original to leave anything good about pickles out!
So there you have it everyone. A fair comparison of the 2 and clearly Vegemite has justification for being served and consumed with love, everyday!
Well, you surely did your homework! Lucky for you I do not like pickles, and still not sure if I want to attempt to try Vegemite. We enjoyed sharing time with you at the Bebbinar!
Chris Torres
I have to admit I think pickles are wonderful. time I'm in Oz I'll give Vegemite another chance. How's that???
How can you be so nasty to the humble pickle?? You don't know what you are missing out on! The fridge at home will have some new "pickly" surprises in it when you get home :) Maybe I can educate you on the pickle, like your education of the locals on Vegemite, missed out the bit about it being made from beer byproducts too! :)
Cam you are supposed to be on my side!!!! Oh yeah. Beer! thats all I'll say!.
I think before you can be so nasty to the pickle should try it at least fried! :) I wish you could have stuck around longer so I could have southernized you. Maybe one day when I come to the downunder land I'll try your precious Vegemite. But don't hold me to it.
You never gave the pickle a fighting chance! I agree with Ruth, you need to try fried pickles! Yummy!!
You're a crack up girls!! LOL
You have lost me, fried pickles???? What the,....?
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