Hello there everyone.. for those in Australia I hope your loooong weekend is wonderful, for those who are not.. we will think of you tomorrow when we sleep in!!! :p
I found this cute little quote.. and thought I might share it! Please send me your favourite quotes, I would love to include one every week.. A little inspiration and grounding is often all we need to help us in the day. Have a great Monday.. Luvlee

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr Suess
Love it!!
Must post it on the blog.
My favorite quote of late...
"Having a child is the most beautifully irrational thing two people can do" Bill Cosby
I don't have any yet Michelle! I'm sure alot would agree!! I'll let you know what I think when the time comes!!
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